(Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies)


INCLUDING is a Cluster of RN practitioners, operators/managers of training facilities, demonstration sites, and testing workbenches and innovation developers (academia, research centres, industries, SMEs) structured in order to provide affordable RN resilience through advanced managing of training infrastructure and better integration of innovative solutions and methodologies in prevention and response systems for enhancing the safety of European citizens.

Nuclear Security Centre of Excellence under the State Border Guard Service of MOI of the Republic of Lithuania (NSCOE)

Nuclear Security Centre of Excellence under the State Border Guard Service of MOI of the Republic of Lithuania (NSCOE)

The ultimate mission of NSCOE is to generate knowledge, good international practice and then provide human resource development support to multiple national stakeholders as well as to contribute to fostering overall national nuclear security regime.

Fields of interest:

  • Capacity building in the area of nuclear detection and response
  • Detection infrastructure development
  • Coordination and collaboration mechanisms and schemes
  • HRD products development and implementation
  • Nuclear Security culture.

Activities in Including

NSCOE is a Leader of Task 3.2 – Training gaps and analysis and will contribute to Work Package 4 – A common learning framework for RN training and Work Package 5 – Joint Actions at the Facilities.
